IoT Python app with a Raspberry Pi and Bluemix on Thu, Apr 2, 2015
In Sample Code, Tutorial, Video,
Tags bluemix flask iot python raspberry pi
This is an extension/continuation from the blog post on how to create a basic Python webapp. In this tutorial we are going to go through how to integrate a Python Flask webapp in Bluemix with the Internet of Things Foundation in Bluemix with a Raspberry Pi and two sensors on the Raspberry Pi. The tutorial also uses Twilio to interact with the Raspberry Pi.
So what does this look like? Here is a simple architecture diagram.
Simple Hello World Python App using Flask on Mon, Mar 30, 2015
In Video, Tutorial, Sample Code,
Tags bluemix flask python
Hey Y’all! Jeff here again, today we are going to be going through some really simple steps to get started deploying a simple hello world python app using Flask on Bluemix.
Flask is an awesome and really lightweight framework in Python to create powerful webapps. We are going to use it make a really simple hello world app in Python though.
In this post we are going to go through the written instructions on how to do it but if you prefer watching a video check out the video below.